Thursday, October 27, 2016

My Philosophy of Education

    My Philosophy of Education

As an Educator of our future generations I insist that my classroom will incorporate the needs and desires of all persons involved. The learning process I utilize within my classroom will help students reach their fullest potential by providing an environment that is safe, supports risk-taking, induces critical thinking and invites the sharing of all knowledge and ideas. The areas of focus in my classroom will be: proper and useful modeling of the materials by the teacher including the use of student centered technology; Utilizing the student’s backgrounds and interests to allow them to become involved capable learners; and ensuring an environment that creates fairness and respect, to and by, everyone involved within the learning environment of my students. This philosophy reflects my beliefs and promises as a future educator of our children to ensure that I help create successful, productive, motivated, and educated members of today’s societies.

    Describe your experiences using technology

I am the guy that will Google everything. With the access that our cell phones have to the internet, I make sure to utilize the wealth of information that we hold in the palm of our hands. I remember getting our first computer as a kid. My dad purchased a TI-99 in the early 80's and we instantly became the cool kids in the neighborhood. I remember not being able to do much with it besides play a few store bought games on floppy disc. I did however begin to learn the art of computer programming. It went something like this...

10: print "Robb"
20: goto 10
30: end

The page would then begin to print "Robb" repeated over and again. That was the coolest thing my friends had ever seen. This early interest in technology led me on to video game systems and into the PC world of today. I enjoy having the newest gadgets around and love to assist others with understanding their own gadgets. 

I plan on getting a degree or certificate in the computer field after graduating from this NAU program. The more knowledge that I gain in the technology field the better prepared I should be for the upcoming leaps that we are about to take.

Technology Integration
How do you think you will use technology in your future classroom?

I plan on integrating technology throughout the curriculum used in my classroom for the students benefit as well as the teachers and parents. The line of communication within my class will be through technology. I plan on using an App such as Remind to keep a constant line of communication between everyone involved with the learning process of my students. I will also educate my students within the fields of our ever changing technology. My students will know how to use technology to do research, design projects and create web pages to share their works throughout the year. I also plan on using an online journal or blog to allow the students the chance to share and build onto their learnings.