Friday, December 9, 2016

Digital Technology Integration Project

Digital Technology Integration Project
By: Jonathan ‘Robb’ Gambrell
ETC 447- J. Weilke

For my Digital Technology Integration project, I chose the use of tablets for assisting the teaching and learning in the classroom environment. After studying Global Digital Citizenship, I am addressing some of the important factors that involve the privacy and safety of the student, the needs for internet security and monitoring, as well as the appropriate time to use and not use the integrated technology.

1.     In what learning environments would the technology resource I presented be appropriate?

The use of Tablets in a classroom environment can be utilized throughout the curriculum with careful planning, student use monitoring, and proper choice of app or program use. Most tablets used by schools these days come pre-loaded with an abundance of methods to restrict and monitor the activity of the user. The students will not be able to wonder off or download other apps onto the tablets. Many of the programs downloaded on the tablets have the ability for the teacher, Administration, as well as parents to monitor the student’s usage or progress at any time, throughout the school year.
            The use of tablets can also help assist with the teachings and learning of Students with special needs as well. ELL students can use many different programs that will assist with learning English and the pace or level of learning can be modified to fit the needs of any student.

2.     In what learning environments would the technology resource I presented NOT be appropriate?

The use of tablets in a classroom environment is appropriate throughout the curriculum at all grade levels. When the need for student participation, group work, guided instruction, or student attention or focus is needed, the tablets should not be used. The limited use of the technology during the school day keeps the idea fresh, new and exciting. When overused, the technology can become quite a distraction.

3.     How might it be modified to be appropriate?

A list of necessary precautions to assure the use of classroom tablets is appropriate…
·      Quality education and guidelines on the use of the tablets
·      Quality education and guidelines on internet security
·      Pre-loaded Education Apps
·      Internet Security program installed to avoid viruses
·      Internet filter installed: monitored and updated constantly
·      Apps or programs that allow the use and progress to be monitored at all times

4.     What do you now know that needs to be considered when using technology in the classroom?

Learning about Global Digital Citizenship and the responsible use of technology has helped me build on prior knowledge that I have on the importance of internet safety and the close monitoring of technology use. This class has also helped build onto my firm beliefs in the necessity of educating our students in the proper and safe use of today’s wealth of information that modern technology blesses us with.


  1. Robb,

    I enjoyed reading your reflection since I've grown to accept and love technology, especially tablets, in the classroom. I definitely agree with you that over use of tablets or any type of technology in the classroom will turn into a major distraction. Also, safety is key and it is great that our technology has restrictions it is still a must for the teacher to monitor technology use the entire time it is being used. Great post and good luck on student teaching!

  2. Robb, when I first learned of students having access to tablets in the classroom, I was utterly amazed... And quite jealous that I wasn't a part of the generation that had access to them while in school. You made several valid points that caution how to implement tablet use in the classroom through careful planning, monitoring, and application/program choice. While I do agree that tablets help restrict activity, I just recently learned of one activity during our first semester of practicum observation that I just know you're going to love; one student (or perhaps a few) changed the name under every single app to "Poop!" I'm not quite sure if there is a setting that would prevent this that wasn't turned on or if that's just something that can be done regardless. Careful monitoring is a must, but the teacher that this happened to was allowing students to use tablets during centers and always led small-group instruction during this time.

    I was not aware until your presentation that many of these applications for students permit teachers, administrators, and family to monitor students' progress. That was very insightful as a future teacher and exciting to learn as a parent.

    I'd also like to agree with you on your position that this kind of technology resource is appropriate for all students in every learning environment. When you mentioned English Language Learners benefiting from using tablets, it only made me think of how tablets and certain applications help promote digital citizenship and cultural awareness by breaking down language barriers.

  3. Robb,
    Tablets are awesome! There are so many free resources available for teachers and students to engage in the learning process. As you were presenting your technology, I was thinking of ways to implement this in the middle grade setting. There are some phenomenal teachers who make the learning process fun, but I have often seen many students give up trying to learn because that the teachers are having a hard time connecting with students. Tablets are a phenomenal resource that many students are familiar with and do not want to stop using. I agree that there is definitely safety considerations to be made. As I have observed in different classrooms, I noticed that many students had access to their Chromebooks and the internet but just about all computers had constant pop-ups. I did not see any inappropriate ads pop-up, but it did make me nervous about what the school was doing to constantly update the safety features of the technology in the classroom. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Robb, I think you did a great presentation on tablets! I agree with you that with proper planning and monitoring they can be a great asset to the classroom. I think you made a great point that using tablets can be very beneficial for ELL students or students with disabilities or learning disabilities. Tablets allow differentiated learning and can reach those types of students. Students today are so technologically based that it makes sense to use these types of technologies to teach those students. It is amazing the amount of educational applications that any tablet can have that will help facilitate learning. Great post!

  5. Jonathan,
    Your presentation on integrating tablets was a current depiction of a technological deficiency facing educators across the country. I appreciated your acknowledgement of the advantage for students with learning disabilities while having access to tablets and the multitude of resources available. Remembering the comment you made last session about how BCESD was disposing of thousands of MAC computers made me question the practicality of integrating such an expensive piece of hardware. Looking down through your check list of needed safeguards, I would think having limited access through computer labs or a sharable cart would be more feasible for districts continuing to cut funding in nearly all departments. Great Blog name btw.

  6. I did tablets too! I was glad you mentioned that they can be modified and tailored to fit the needs of any student; this is one of the reason I love tablets. It was hard for me to find instances where tablets would not be appropriate, but we absolutely agree that they should be used in moderation throughout the school day.

  7. Rob,
    I also chose to do tablets in the classroom. I love that you integrated the ability that these tablets can be monitored by the teacher or administration. I think that would be necessary in the classroom and make it the perfect environment for tablets to be used. I like your points about when the use of this technology would be inappropriate. It is true that these tablets should not be overused and there should be some excitement when able to be used. There are many parents and teachers that will just throw the tablet in front of the kid because they are not paying attention or need to keep them busy. I would have to agree that, at that moment, would be an inappropriate time for the use in the classroom.

  8. I like your ideas! You have some good ideas to address the concern about inappropriate use. I love the idea of including software to monitor usage. The double safeguard would make me feel better than just relying on district usage filters.
