Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Blog Phase II---Reflection for lesson #2 Learning with Jimmy and His Boa

Blog Phase II--Reflection on Micro Lesson #2
Jonathan Robb Gambrell/ Audrey Blancato
Lesson Plan
Learning with Jimmy and His Boa
Technology Integration/Language Arts/Fine Arts
An Intro to Microsoft Paint

  • Instructional Decisions/Teaching (InTask Standard # 9): 

    The technology that Audrey and I incorporated into our micro lesson #2 was using MS Paint
    program to create a digital artifact based on a memory of the book that twas read to the class.
    The implementation of our lesson was successful as our students understood the expected learning outcome and created great artifacts through the lesson. 

  • Mechanics
The students watched a video reading of a book and were asked to use Microsoft paint to create a picture of one thing that they could remember from the book. After creating their digital artifact, Audrey and I were able to assess the outcomes using their pictures that they created in the Paint program.

The timing of our lesson was perfect for this presentation as we covered the basics of the lesson, then had the students create their artifacts and send us copies. We were then able to view a few with the class and assess the students understanding. We were able to keep the students interest the entire lesson which I consider a success.

  • Assessment of Learning (InTask Standard # 6):
Digital Artifact #1:
 Digital artifact #1 clearly demonstrates the students understanding of the lesson objective as they used a few different methods of drawing or painting a snake from the book. This student also learned how to digitally submit their picture for assessment as well.

Digital Artifact #2:
Digital artifact #2 also demonstrates full understanding of our lesson as the student used several different techniques to create a picture from a memory of the story. Artifacts such as these made the assessment of our students fairly easy as they all seemed to grasp the lesson objectives. These fantastic examples of our lesson outcome leads me to believe that Audrey and I were successful with our lesson. 

  • What did you learn from designing and teaching this lesson and how will you use this in the creation of future lessons/learning activities.

Through creating and implementing this lesson, I feel that I have learned how to use technology in the classroom to the benefit of the student as well as the teacher. The importance of directing the students to actually use the technology and not just a crutch for the teacher is very high. Too often do we see these classroom technologies used as babysitters while the teacher is busy. This method is not allowing the students knowledge of classroom technology to grow and blossom, but rather remain stale as they are playing the same games or using the same website over and again. 

I would use and build onto this lesson plan using MS Paint to create art or artifacts. The use of art when teaching is important to encourage the students to become critical thinkers and to explore their creativity through all subject to be sure to keep the students interested and invested in their learnings.

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